Everyone has someone in their life that’s willing to lend an ear, someone who is always there through their ups and downs, someone who can their trust most and knew even their hidden secrets, and someone they used to live in their everyday life.
What if this someone starting to fall in love with them?
Majority of the people who has best friend was experiencing this kind of situation, fallen in love with their best friend. In some movies, whether it was Filipino or foreign movie, the story was ended in fallen in love with each other, otherwise it was depressing ending.
People kept having best friend but there were instances that they can’t avoid regarding to their feelings. Sometimes even in one group or what they called “barkada” happen this matter. They were happy to feel in love even sometimes there were moments that they were afraid in accepting the fact that they were in love, it shouldn’t be good at all in having unusual feeling toward their best friend. Nevertheless they remain strong in supporting their feelings and in absorbing gradually the hidden love in their heart. However some people experiencing worst thing in falling in love. Some people saying that “it’s hard to fall for your best friend and hide it at the same time” this sentiment proved that they’re willing to sacrifice to be silent and handled it alone. It can be possibly because they’re afraid to lose the friendship. They might think that their best friend will evade them if they knew their real feelings. On the other hand they still in love, and what they experiencing is natural feeling it is acceptable because it happens in reality. In fact most of the successful relationship was started as friends. It‘s easy for them to accommodate each other because they already knew their indifferences and similarities. It is natural cause to develop with their best friend. They said that being affected and felt jealous was the signal that they started in falling in love though others defend that it can be jealous friend. I t has a point but to think it deeply the root of that jealous was simply the meaning of love and that love can be develop and can turn it into real love. Jealousy is the word that can poison the mind, it can kill the heart and mind of a person. Even how hard they hide they’re feelings and how many times they’ll deny that they’re not in jealous, it can still revealed toward their actions. On the other hand, there are people prefer to chose being a best friend rather than a lover. At least in best friend there are no breaks and cool off unlike in lovers. They treasure most the friendship and chose to feel free. They ignored their feelings and tried to move on, sadly but that’s life. But not all are agree in that. There are still people who believe and hoping to express their feelings as much as possible. They believe in happy endings. Moreover they were best friend and it is possible for them to have the same feeling.
I know how it feels to let go of the friendship because of the feelings you have for each other. I had an experienced before in my case my friend confessed that he loves me and it's difficult for him to admit it because were close friend and also his my boyfriend bestfriend... That time I really don't know how to react. The feeling is really distressing. He is really a good person and a good fiend. It's really impossible to keep our friendship that time because his feelings for me created a gap between our friendship. No longer we feel comfortable and act normal like what every good friend has. It's really hard on my part to let go our friendship... not just i lost a very good friend but I lost a brother as well...
I have learned to let go than to save our friendship because it's only the time we will stop hurting each other.
i'll go for friendship than love.. i'd rather choose the friendship we had than choose love and last for only a month. friendship can last a lifetime but love,, i don't think so.. friends are there for us through good times and badtimes,, but boyfriends,,? haay come on,, konsumisyun.. hehe just kidin..
Everyone has a friend. Sometimes people just fell in love cause love doesnt chose anyone or let's just say your heart does'nt chose whom you will love. Falling for a friend is a very hard decision to make. whether you want to go beyond your relationship as a friend or you wanna stick up to your friendship. It is better to take a 10000000times to think before you commit your self to something.
hi ella, partly, you know it is really hard to determine whether people who are coming to our lives are just mere friends or lovers. maybe, it is because there are some people whoa re called "torpe" in our dialect. but then, you must have a good and wise quality of discernment in order for you to discover whether he ia just a friend or a boyfriend material. but for now, if ever, just learn how to appreciate everyone who is coming to your life. it is better to be safe. how are you anyway, you posted an atomic picture with this article. thanks for the friendship and spending time with my nonsense talks on text. i hope this friendship will grow. i am a friend to count on..remember that.
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